## About Me ## Thanks for checking out my page. I am a graduate in Philosophy, and currently undergoing teacher training in computer science. I have a number of different hobbies and interests, a lot of them revolving around those two fields, as I believe that a synthesis of computing and philosophy results in a framework for navigating the world in a knowledgeable and comforting way. My other hobbies include film, writing, puzzles, theology and a tad bit of psychology, but really my interests change all the time. The internet always has something new to provide! ## My Core Beliefs ## 1. There is a significant power imbalance in the world that can be resolved only through a knowledgeable society. 2. We have become too complacent with technology we, for the most part, do not understand. This extends from our most used electronic devices to the way in which products and services are marketed to us. 3. The world has been made far too complex precisely so its citizens remain complacent with the tyrannical structures in place. To live simply is to rebel against tyranny. 4. All people have a right to information, and a right to access the information they need with ease. 5. People must learn how to learn, in order to have the knowledge necessary for a fulfilling life. 6. We, the average person, must end planned obsolescence and create technology that is energy-efficient, sustainable and easy to access. My views and morals surrounding simplicity and anti-authority are, in part, what informs the style of the site. There are many pages like this at varying levels of extremity, but the "less is enough" approach gels with me quite nicely. ## Philosophical Views ## 1. The universe is a basic, conscious object (Priority Cosmopsychism) 2. The way we communicate and express concepts is founded upon tacitly agreed upon rules, and so clarity matters (Wittgenstinian Philosophy) 3. To be moral, one must simply do the right thing. Our civilisation has already deemed what is and is not acceptable, it is in our bones, the best we can do is act in accordance with that (Moral Intuitionism) ## My Goals ## Besides the goal of maintaining this site as long as I can and as efficiently as possible, here are a few goals I have set out for myself in the long and short term: * Attain a teaching qualification. * Achieve a doctorate in a field of study that I can make a meaningful contribution to. * Publish a book (fiction or otherwise - anything goes!) * Learn 4 languages (besides English, my native tongue.) * Learn 3 PROGRAMMING languages. * Travel the world and document my journey. * Start Photography and build a portfolio of work. * Make and release a film. * Become a puzzlist. * Live in a simple, comfortable and sustainable way. * Understand, with depth, the things that surround me on a daily basis. These are all ambitious goals to try and reach, and some are even quite vague, but they are goals I have had my mind on for quite a long time, and my life will feel more meaningful if I am able to make meaningful contributions to the world in my short time here.